Enter the full name of the rule you created in AutomatePricing. This field is case-sensitive and is only used with the START action. So if you choose STOP action, you don't need to enter a rule name.
You can apply or remove products in bulk to Automate Pricing rules using the Automate Pricing file template. You can manage up to a maximum of 30,000 SKUs per 24 hour period. There is no limit on the number of files you submit.
If you want the search result that you saved to run automatically at certain intervals and be removed from your inventory, enable automatic deletion and determine the frequency of operation.
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What is SellerRunning House?
SellerRunning House is a warehouse integration service from SellerRunning that you can use to ship products that cannot be sent to customer address.
When you enable "SellerRunning House" in your store settings, "Filter products that cannot be sent to the address" option in your filter settings is disabled for your products suitable for SellerRunning House. This means that you can now send products that are not shipped.
In addition, you can set separate profit margins for your products that are not sent to customer address in the pricing page. Your products that are not shipped are priced according to the profit rates you will determine in this table.
The sizes and weights of your products are determined automatically by SellerRunning. The shipping fee is calculated automatically according to the country you will send and included in your selling price.
You do not have to manually track orders sent with SellerRunning House. You can view the stages of your orders on SellerRunning.